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Social Connect and Responsibility 21SCR36

Social Connect and Responsibility 21SCR36

Social Connect and Responsibility 21SCR36

Course Code: 21SCR36

Credits: 01

CIE Marks: 50

SEE Marks: 50

Total Marks: 100

Exam Hours: 03

Totals Hours of Pedagogy: 15

Teaching Hours/Weeks: [L:T:P:S] 1:0:0

Plantation and adoption of a tree: Plantation of a tree that will be adopted for four years by a group of B.Tech. students. They will also make an excerpt either as a documentary or a photoblog describing the plant’s origin, its usage in daily life, and its appearance in folklore and literature.


Heritage walk and crafts corner: Heritage tour, knowing the history and culture of the city, connecting to people around through their history, knowing the city and its craftsman, photoblog and documentary on evolution and practice of various craft forms.


Organic farming and waste management: usefulness of organic farming, wet waste management in neighboring villages, and implementation in the campus.


Water Conservation: knowing the present practices in the surrounding villages and implementation in the campus, documentary or photo blog presenting the current practices.


Food Walk City’s culinary practices, food lore, and indigenous materials of the region used in cooking.

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