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Information Retrieval BAI515B

Information Retrieval BAI515B

Information Retrieval BAI515B

Course Code: BAI515B

Credits: 03

CIE Marks: 50

SEE Marks: 50

Total Marks: 100

Exam Hours: 03

Total Hours of Pedagogy: 40H

Teaching Hours/Weeks: [L:T:P:S] 3:0:0:0

Introduction: Information retrieval, IR problem, IR System, The web.

User interfaces for search: Introduction, How people search, Search interfaces today, Visualization on search interfaces, Design and evaluation of search interfaces.

Modeling: IR models, Classic information retrieval, Alternative set theoretic models, Alternative algebraic models, Alternative probabilistic models, Other models.

Retrieval Evaluation: Retrieval metrics, Reference Collections, User-based evaluation.

Relevance feedback and Query expansion: A framework for feedback methods, Explicit relevance feedback, Explicit feedback through clicks, Implicit feedback through local analysis, Implicit feedback through global analysis.

Documents – Languages and Properties: Metadata, Document formats, Text properties, Document preprocessing, Organizing documents, Text compression.

Indexing and Searching: Inverted indexes, Signature files, Suffix trees and suffix arrays, Sequential searching, Multi-dimensional indexing.

Web retrieval: The web, Search engine architectures, Search engine ranking, Managing web data, Search engine user interaction.

Structured Text Retrieval: Structuring Power, Early text retrieval models, XML retrieval, XML retrieval evaluation.

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