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Research Methodology & IPR BRMK557

Research Methodology & IPR BRMK557

Research Methodology & IPR BRMK557

Course Code: BRMK557

Credits: 03

CIE Marks: 50

SEE Marks: 50

Total Marks: 100

Exam Hours: 03

Total Hours of Pedagogy: 25H

Teaching Hours/Weeks: [L:T:P:S] 2:2:0:0

Introduction: Meaning of Research, Objectives of Engineering Research, and Motivation in Engineering Research: Types of Engineering Research, Finding and Solving a Worthwhile Problem.

Ethics in Engineering Research: Ethics in Engineering Research Practice, Types of Research Misconduct, Ethical Issues Related to Authorship.

Literature Review and Technical Reading: New and Existing Knowledge, Analysis and Synthesis of Prior Art Bibliographic Databases, Web of Science, Google and Google Scholar, Effective Search: The Way Forward Introduction to Technical Reading Conceptualizing Research, Critical and Creative Reading, Taking Notes While Reading, Reading Mathematics and Algorithms, Reading a Datasheet.

Attributions and Citations: Giving Credit Wherever Due, Citations: Functions and Attributes, Impact of Title and Keywords on Citations, Knowledge Flow through Citation, Citing Datasets, Styles for Citations, Acknowledgments and Attributions, What Should Be Acknowledged, Acknowledgments in, Books Dissertations, Dedication or Acknowledgments.

Introduction To Intellectual Property: Role of IP in the Economic and Cultural Development of the Society, IP Governance, IP as a Global Indicator of Innovation, Origin of IP History of IP in India. Major Amendments in IP Laws and Acts in India.

Patents: Conditions for Obtaining a Patent Protection, To Patent or Not to Patent an Invention. Rights Associated with Patents. Enforcement of Patent Rights. Inventions Eligible for Patenting. Non-Patentable Matters. Patent Infringements. Avoid Public Disclosure of an Invention before Patenting. Process of Patenting.

Process of Patenting: Prior Art Search. Choice of Application to be Filed. Patent Application Forms. Jurisdiction of Filing Patent Application. Publication. Pre-grant Opposition. Examination. Grant of a Patent. Validity of Patent Protection. Post-grant Opposition. Commercialization of a Patent. Need for a Patent Attorney/Agent. Can a Worldwide Patent be Obtained? Do I Need First to File a Patent in India? Patent Related Forms. Fee Structure. Types of Patent Applications. Commonly Used Terms in Patenting. National Bodies Dealing with Patent Affairs. Utility Models.

Copyrights and Related Rights: Classes of Copyrights. Criteria for Copyright. Ownership of Copyright. Copyrights of the Author. Copyright Infringements. Copyright Infringement is a Criminal Offence. Copyright Infringement is a Cognizable Offence. Fair Use Doctrine. Copyrights and Internet. Non-Copyright Work. Copyright Registration. Judicial Powers of the Registrar of Copyrights. Fee Structure. Copyright Symbol. Validity of Copyright. Copyright Profile of India. Copyright and the word ‘Publish’. Transfer of Copyrights to a Publisher. Copyrights and the Word ‘Adaptation’. Copyrights and the Word ‘Indian Work’. Joint Authorship. Copyright Society. Copyright Board. Copyright Enforcement Advisory Council (CEAC). International Copyright Agreements, Conventions and Treaties. Interesting Copyrights Cases.

Trademarks: Eligibility Criteria. Who Can Apply for a Trademark. Acts and Laws. Designation of Trademark Symbols. Classification of Trademarks. Registration of a Trademark is Not Compulsory. Validity of Trademark. Types of Trademark Registered in India. Trademark Registry. Process for Trademarks Registration. Prior Art Search. Famous Case Law: Coca-Cola Company vs. Bisleri International Pvt. Ltd.

Industrial Designs: Eligibility Criteria. Acts and Laws to Govern Industrial Designs. Design Rights. Enforcement of Design Rights. Non-Protectable Industrial Designs India. Protection Term. Procedure for Registration of Industrial Designs. Prior Art Search. Application for Registration. Duration of the Registration of a Design. Importance of Design Registration. Cancellation of the Registered Design. Application Forms. Classification of Industrial Designs. Designs Registration Trend in India. International Treaties. Famous Case Law: Apple Inc. vs. Samsung Electronics Co.

Geographical Indications: Acts, Laws and Rules Pertaining to GI. Ownership of GI. Rights Granted to the Holders. Registered GI in India. Identification of Registered GI. Classes of GI. Non-Registerable GI. Protection of GI. Collective or Certification Marks. Enforcement of GI Rights. Procedure for GI Registration Documents Required for GI Registration. GI Ecosystem in India.

Case Studies on Patents: Case study of Curcuma (Turmeric) Patent, Case study of Neem Patent, Case study of Basmati patent. IP Organizations In India. Schemes and Programmes.


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