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Computer Networks BCS502

Computer Networks BCS502

Computer Networks BCS502

Course Code: BCS502

Credits: 04

CIE Marks: 50

SEE Marks: 50

Total Marks: 100

Exam Hours: 03

Total Hours of Pedagogy: 40H + 10L

Teaching Hours/Weeks: [L:T:P:S] 3:0:2:0

Introduction: Data Communications, Networks, Network Types.

Networks Models: Protocol Layering, TCP/IP Protocol suite, The OSI model, Introduction to Physical Layer.

Transmission media: Guided Media, Unguided Media: Wireless.

Switching: Packet Switching and its types.

Data Link Layer – Error Detection and Correction: Introduction, Block Coding, Cyclic Codes.

Data link control – DLC Services: Framing, Flow Control, Error Control, Connectionless and Connection Oriented, Data link layer protocols, High Level Data Link Control.

Media Access Control: Random Access, Controlled Access. Check Sum and Point to Point Protocol.

Network Layer: Network layer Services, Packet Switching, IPv4 Address, IPv4 Datagram, IPv6 Datagram, Introduction to Routing Algorithms.

Unicast Routing Protocols: DVR, LSR, PVR, Unicast Routing protocols: RIP, OSPF, BGP, Multicasting Routing-MOSPF.

Introduction to Transport Layer: Introduction, Transport-Layer Protocols: Introduction, User Datagram Protocol, Transmission Control Protocol: services, features, segments, TCP connections, flow control, Error control, Congestion control.

Introduction to Application Layer: Introduction, Client-Server Programming.

Standard Client-Server Protocols: World Wide Web and HTTP, FTP, Electronic Mail, Domain Name System (DNS), TELNET, Secure Shell (SSH).


Question Bank

Regular Paper


Model Set 1 Paper

Model Set 2 Paper

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