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Machine Learning 21AI63

Machine Learning 21AI63

Machine Learning 21AI63

Course Code: 21AI63

Credits: 03

CIE Marks: 50

SEE Marks: 50

Total Marks: 100

Exam Hours: 03

Total Hours of Pedagogy: 40T

Teaching Hours/Weeks: [L:T:P:S] 3:0:0:0


Machine learning Landscape: what is ML?, Why, Types of ML, main challenges of ML.

Concept learning and Learning Problems: Designing Learning systems, Perspectives and Issues – Concept Learning – Find S-Version Spaces and Candidate Elimination Algorithm –Remarks on VS- Inductive bias.

End to end Machine learning Project: Working with real data, Look at the big picture, Get the data, Discover and visualize the data, Prepare the data, select and train the model, Fine tune your model.

Classification: MNIST, training a Binary classifier, performance measure, multiclass classification, error analysis, multi label classification, multi output classification.

Training Models: Linear regression, gradient descent, polynomial regression, learning curves, regularized linear models, logistic regression.

Support Vector Machine: linear, Nonlinear , SVM regression and under the hood.

Decision Trees: Training and Visualizing DT, making prediction, estimating class, the CART training, computational complexity, GINI impurity, Entropy, regularization Hyper parameters, Regression, instability.

Ensemble learning and Random Forest: Voting classifiers, Bagging and pasting, Random patches, Random forests, Boosting, stacking.

Bayes Theorem: Concept Learning – Maximum Likelihood – Minimum Description Length Principle – Bayes Optimal Classifier – Gibbs Algorithm – Naïve Bayes Classifier– example-Bayesian Belief Network – EM Algorithm.



Regular Paper

Model Set 1 Paper

Model Set 2 Paper

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