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Fullstack Development Laboratory 21CS62

Installation of Python, Django and Visual Studio code editors can be demonstrated.
Creation of virtual environment, Django project and App should be demonstrated.
Develop a Django app that displays current date and time in server.
Develop a Django app that displays date and time four hours ahead and four hours before as an offset of current date and time in server.
Develop a simple Django app that displays an unordered list of fruits and ordered list of selected students for an event.
Develop a layout.html with a suitable header (containing navigation menu) and footer with copyright and developer information. Inherit this layout.html and create 3 additional pages: contact us, About Us and Home page of any website.
Develop a Django app that performs student registration to a course. It should also display list of students registered for any selected course. Create students and course as models with enrolment as ManyToMany field.
For student and course models created in Lab experiment for Module2, register admin interfaces, perform migrations and illustrate data entry through admin forms.
Develop a Model form for student that contains his topic chosen for project, languages used and duration with a model called project.
For students enrolment developed in Module 2, create a generic class view which displays list of students and detailview that displays student details for any selected student in the list.
Develop example Django app that performs CSV and PDF generation for any models created in previous laboratory component.
Develop a registration page for student enrolment as done in Module 2 but without page refresh using AJAX.
Develop a search application in Django using AJAX that displays courses enrolled by a student being searched.

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