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Chemistry for CSE Stream BCHES102-202

Chemistry for CSE Stream BCHES102-202

Chemistry for CSE Stream BCHES102-202

Course Code: BCHES102-202

Credits: 04

CIE Marks: 50

SEE Marks: 50

Total Marks: 100

Exam Hours: 03

Total Hours of Pedagogy: 40H + 12L

Teaching Hours/Weeks: [L:T:P:S] 2:2:2:0

Sensors and Energy Systems:

Sensors:Introduction, working, principle and applications of Conductometric sensors, Electrochemical sensors, Thermometric sensors (Flame photometry)and Optical sensors (colorimetry).Sensors for the measurement of dissolved oxygen (DO). Electrochemical sensors for the pharmaceuticals. Electrochemical gas sensors for SOx and NOx. Disposable sensors in the detection of biomolecules and pesticides.

Energy Systems: Introduction to batteries, construction, working and applications of Lithium ion and So diamino batteries. Quantum Dot Sensitized Solar Cells(QDSSC’s)-Principle, Properties and Applications.

Self-learning: Types of electrochemical sensor, Gas sensor – O2 sensor, Biosensor – Glucose sensors.

Materials for Memory and Display Systems:

Memory Devices: Introduction, Basic concepts of electronic memory, History of organic/ polymeric ecteronic memory devices, Classification of electronic memory devices, types of organic memory devices(organic molecules, polymeric materials, organic- inorganic hybrid materials).

Display Systems:Photoactive and electroactive materials, Nanomaterials and organic materials used in optoelectronic devices. Liquid crystals (LC’s) – Introduction, classification, properties and application in Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD’s). Properties and application of Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLED’s) and Quantum Light Emitting Diodes (QLED’s), Light emitting electrochemical cells.

Self-learning: Properties and function soft Silicon(Si),Germanium(Ge),Copper(Cu), Aluminum(Al),and Brominated flame retardants in computers.

Corrosion and Electrode System:

Corrosion Chemistry:Introduction, electrochemical theory of corrosion, types of corrosion- differential metal and differential aeration. Corrosion control-galvanization, anodization and sacrificial anode method. Corrosion Penetration Rate (CPR) – Introduction and numerical problem.

Electrode System: Introduction, types of electrodes. Ion selective electrode – definition, construction, working and applications of glass electrode. Determination of pH using glasselectrode. Reference electrode- Introduction, calomel electrode– construction, working and applications of calomel electrode. Concentration cell– Definition, construction and Numerical problems.

Analytical Techniques: Introduction, principle and instrumentation of Conductometry; its application in the estimation of weak acid. Potentiometry; its application in the estimation of iron.

Self-learning: IR and UV-Visible Spectro’s copy.

Polymers and Green Fuels:

Polymers:Introduction, Molecular weight-Number average, weight average and numerical problems. Preparation, properties, and commercial applications of Kevlar. Conducting polymers–synthesis and conducting mechanism of polyacetylene and commercial applications.

Green Fuels: Introduction, construction and working of solar photovoltaic cell, advantages, and disadvantages. Generation of energy (green hydrogen) by electrolysis of water and its advantages.

Self-learning: Regenerative fuel cells.


E-Waste: Introduction, sources of e-waste, Composition, Characteristics, and Need of e-waste management. Toxic materials used in manufacturing electronic and electrical products, health hazards due to exposure to e-waste.

Recycling and Recovery: approaches of recycling(separation, thermal treatments, hydro metal surgical extraction, pyrometallurgical methods, direct recycling). Extraction of gold from E-waste. Role of stakeholders in environmental management of e-waste (producers, consumers, recyclers, and statutory bodies).

Self-learning:Impact of heavy metal environment and human health.


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