2. Simulate the following CPU scheduling algorithms to find turnaround time and waiting time:
b) SJF
c) Round Robin
d) Priority
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct {
int id;
int burst_time;
int priority;
} Process;
void fcfs_scheduling(int n, int burst_times[]) {
int waiting_time[n], turnaround_time[n];
waiting_time[0] = 0;
turnaround_time[0] = burst_times[0];
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
waiting_time[i] = waiting_time[i - 1] + burst_times[i - 1];
turnaround_time[i] = waiting_time[i] + burst_times[i];
printf("FCFS Scheduling\n");
printf("Process ID\tBurst Time\tWaiting Time\tTurnaround Time\n");
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
printf("P%d\t\t%d\t\t%d\t\t%d\n", i + 1, burst_times[i], waiting_time[i], turnaround_time[i]);
int compare_sjf(const void *a, const void *b) {
return ((Process *)a)->burst_time - ((Process *)b)->burst_time;
void sjf_scheduling(int n, Process processes[]) {
int waiting_time[n], turnaround_time[n];
qsort(processes, n, sizeof(Process), compare_sjf);
waiting_time[0] = 0;
turnaround_time[0] = processes[0].burst_time;
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
waiting_time[i] = waiting_time[i - 1] + processes[i - 1].burst_time;
turnaround_time[i] = waiting_time[i] + processes[i].burst_time;
printf("SJF Scheduling\n");
printf("Process ID\tBurst Time\tWaiting Time\tTurnaround Time\n");
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
printf("P%d\t\t%d\t\t%d\t\t%d\n", processes[i].id, processes[i].burst_time, waiting_time[i], turnaround_time[i]);
void round_robin_scheduling(int n, int burst_times[], int quantum) {
int remaining_times[n], waiting_time[n], turnaround_time[n];
int t = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
remaining_times[i] = burst_times[i];
while (1) {
int done = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (remaining_times[i] > 0) {
done = 0;
if (remaining_times[i] > quantum) {
t += quantum;
remaining_times[i] -= quantum;
} else {
t += remaining_times[i];
waiting_time[i] = t - burst_times[i];
remaining_times[i] = 0;
if (done) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
turnaround_time[i] = burst_times[i] + waiting_time[i];
printf("Round Robin Scheduling\n");
printf("Process ID\tBurst Time\tWaiting Time\tTurnaround Time\n");
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
printf("P%d\t\t%d\t\t%d\t\t%d\n", i + 1, burst_times[i], waiting_time[i], turnaround_time[i]);
int compare_priority(const void *a, const void *b) {
return ((Process *)a)->priority - ((Process *)b)->priority;
void priority_scheduling(int n, Process processes[]) {
int waiting_time[n], turnaround_time[n];
qsort(processes, n, sizeof(Process), compare_priority);
waiting_time[0] = 0;
turnaround_time[0] = processes[0].burst_time;
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
waiting_time[i] = waiting_time[i - 1] + processes[i - 1].burst_time;
turnaround_time[i] = waiting_time[i] + processes[i].burst_time;
printf("Priority Scheduling\n");
printf("Process ID\tBurst Time\tPriority\tWaiting Time\tTurnaround Time\n");
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
printf("P%d\t\t%d\t\t%d\t\t%d\t\t%d\n", processes[i].id, processes[i].burst_time, processes[i].priority, waiting_time[i], turnaround_time[i]);
int main() {
int n, quantum;
printf("Enter the number of processes: ");
scanf("%d", &n);
int burst_times[n];
Process processes[n];
printf("Enter burst times for each process:\n");
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
printf("Burst Time for P%d: ", i + 1);
scanf("%d", &burst_times[i]);
processes[i].id = i + 1;
processes[i].burst_time = burst_times[i];
printf("Enter the quantum time for Round Robin (0 to skip): ");
scanf("%d", &quantum);
if (quantum > 0) {
round_robin_scheduling(n, burst_times, quantum);
printf("Enter priorities for each process:\n");
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
printf("Priority for P%d: ", i + 1);
scanf("%d", &processes[i].priority);
fcfs_scheduling(n, burst_times);
sjf_scheduling(n, processes);
priority_scheduling(n, processes);
return 0;
braham@braham:~/Desktop/program$ gcc prg2.c -o prg2
braham@braham:~/Desktop/program$ ./prg2
Enter the number of processes: 4
Enter burst times for each process:
Burst Time for P1: 10
Burst Time for P2: 5
Burst Time for P3: 8
Burst Time for P4: 12
Enter the quantum time for Round Robin (0 to skip): 4
Round Robin Scheduling
Process ID Burst Time Waiting Time Turnaround Time
P1 10 21 31
P2 5 16 21
P3 8 17 25
P4 12 23 35
Enter priorities for each process:
Priority for P1: 2
Priority for P2: 1
Priority for P3: 4
Priority for P4: 3
FCFS Scheduling
Process ID Burst Time Waiting Time Turnaround Time
P1 10 0 10
P2 5 10 15
P3 8 15 23
P4 12 23 35
SJF Scheduling
Process ID Burst Time Waiting Time Turnaround Time
P2 5 0 5
P3 8 5 13
P1 10 13 23
P4 12 23 35
Priority Scheduling
Process ID Burst Time Priority Waiting Time Turnaround Time
P2 5 1 0 5
P1 10 2 5 15
P4 12 3 15 27
P3 8 4 27 35