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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 21CS54

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 21AI54

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 21CS54

Course Code: 21CS54

Credits: 03

CIE Marks: 50

SEE Marks: 50

Total Marks: 100

Exam Hours: 03

Total Hours of Pedagogy: 40T

Teaching Hours/Weeks: [L:T:P:S] 3:0:0:0

Introduction: What is AI? Foundations and History of AI.

Problem-solving: Problem-solving agents, Example problems, Searching for Solutions, Uninformed Search.

Strategies: Breadth First search, Depth First Search.

Informed Search Strategies: Greedy best-first search, A*search, Heuristic functions. Introduction to Machine Learning, Understanding Data.

Basics of Learning theory.

Similarity Based Learning.

Regression Analysis.

Decision Tree learning.

Bayesian Learning.

Artificial neural Network.

Clustering Algorithms.



Important Question

Previous Year Paper

27 thoughts on “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 21CS54

  1. Bro you have just copied and pasted entire textbook content. this isn’t notes. If we have to study textbook theory then why should we study from your notes? notes are supposed to have simplified content.

  2. Can we get plzzzz solutions for important questions….We are not able to find solutions olyy…Atleast for 3 modules if we get the solutions it will be soo helpful……

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