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Software Engineering and Project Management 21CS61

Software Engineering and Project Management 21CS61

Software Engineering and Project Management 21CS61

Course Code: 21CS61

Credits: 03

CIE Marks: 50

SEE Marks: 50

Total Marks: 100

Exam Hours: 03

Total Hours of Pedagogy: 40T

Teaching Hours/Weeks: [L:T:P:S] 2:2:0:0

Software and Software Engineering: The nature of Software, The unique nature of WebApps, Software Engineering, The software Process, The Software Engineering Practice, The software myths, How it all starts.

Process Models:Ageneric process model, Process assessment and improvement, Prescriptive process models, Waterfall model, Incremental process models, Evolutionary process models, Concurrent models, Specialized process models.

Understanding Requirements: Requirements Engineering, Establishing the ground work, Eliciting Requirements, Developing use cases, Building the requirements model, Negotiating Requirements, Validating Requirements.

Requirement Modeling Scenarios, Information and Analysis classes:Requirement Analysis, Scenario based modeling, UML models that supplement the use case, Data modeling Concepts class based modeling.

Agile Development: What is Agility?, Agility and the cost of change, What is an agile process?, Extreme Programming (XP), Other agile process models, A tool set for agile process.

Principle that guide practice: Software Engineering Knowledge, Core principles, Principles that guide each framework activity.

Introduction to Project Management: Introduction, Project and Importance of Project Management, Contract Management, Activities Covered by Software Project Management, Plans, Methods and Methodologies, Some ways of categorizing Software Projects, Stakeholders, Setting Objectives, Business Case, Project Success and Failure, Management and Management Control, Project Management life cycle, Traditional versus Modern Project Management Practices.

Software Quality: Introduction, The place of software quality in project planning, Importance of software quality, Defining software quality, quality models, ISO 9126, product and process metrics, product versus process quality management, Quality Management systems, process capability models, techniques to enhance software quality, testing, Software reliability, quality plans.



Regular Paper

Model Paper Set 1

Model Paper Set 1 Solution

Model Paper Set 2

Model Paper Set 2 Solution

Model Paper Set 3

Model Paper Set 3 Solution

Model Paper Set 4

Model Paper Set 4 Solution

37 thoughts on “Software Engineering and Project Management 21CS61

  1. Please upload machine learning lab Mannual for 6th sem Artificial intelligence and machine learning department pls

    1. Sir make notes for renewable energy power plant open elective and give the notes for information science and engineering.Please accept and make the notes

  2. Plz provide with Module 4 & 5 for Software Engineering and project Management, soon as possible

  3. Please provide 4th and 5th module for Software Engineering and project Management, only few days to complete the semester, it would be useful if students are getting it soon ,plz

  4. provide 4th and 5th module for Software Engineering and project Management, only few days to complete the semester, it would be useful if students are getting it soon

  5. Please upload the notes for the subjects “Natural Language Processing (21AI643)” and “Introduction to Cyber Security (21CS653)” for the AIML 6th Semester, 2021 scheme.

  6. Sir Please upload cloud computing and its application notes
    exam is on : 20/08/2024
    Please upload the notes before that. Thank you

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